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Read this document completely before signing. Its effect is to release Camp Hope of Southwest Washington ("Camp Hope") and its representatives from any liability resulting from your participation or your minor child's participation in activities at and use of Camp Hope, to waive all claims for damages or losses against Camp Hope and its representatives that may arise from such activities and use, to permit Camp Hope to consent to medical treatment on your minor child's behalf.


In consideration of Camp Hope, located at 12800 NE Roper Rd., Battle Ground, Washington 98604, permitting me or my minor child to participate in activities at or use of Camp Hope. Please list name(s) of family members participating:

2024 Camp Hope Liability Waiver
and Participation Agreement

I giver permission for my child's photo to be used:

The Undersigned, being a Participant and/or Parent/Guardian of the above named minor(s) releases Camp Hope of SW WA, its representatives, agents, directors, volunteers and employees from liability for any injury to self-and/or minor, resulting from any cause whatsoever occurring to self-and/or minor at any time while attending Camp Hope of SW WA. Including travel to and from camp, excepting only injury or damage resulting from willful acts of such representatives, agents, directors, volunteers, and employees. The Undersigned also will release Camp Hope of SW WA of any expenses resulting from the injury.


Your child will have the opportunity to participate in swimming, hiking, archery, spelunking, field games and other outdoor activities. Camp Hope of SW WA will provide trained staff who will conduct these activities in the safest manner possible.


To protect campers while swimming in the river, campers are required to wear a properly fitting USCG certified personal flotation device (PFD). Campers may bring their own or one will be provided by camp.

During camps that offer bicycle use, campers must wear a properly fitting bike helmet while riding on the camps grounds.


To protect the safety of all campers, Camp Hope of SW WA has no-tolerance policies that could immediately result in campers being sent home. These policies include but are not limited to:


1. Use of violence or possession of weapons

2. Use of alcohol or drugs

3. Bullying

Parents or guardians of campers who violate policies will be notified to pick up their child.


During camp, we will be taking pictures of teams and campers for camp promotional material. Please indicate on your membership form if you have a need for exclusion.


Camp Hope of SW WA staff is trained in first aid to treat basic injuries and illnesses. Campers may be sent to a local hospital or physician if needed and the parent/guardian/emergency contact will be notified.

You have successfully submitted the Liability Release Form.

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